Medics are bring Dave Studd into the Medical Room.
Medics: Dave Studd, please don't speak. You are injured pretty bad. You need to calm down, and listen to what I am saying.
Dave Studd, is panicking
Three more medics come into the Medical Room.
Medic #2: What do you need?
Medic #1: Well its pretty obvious. We need to calm him down. Please hold him down. I need to put an Oxygen Mask on him so he can fall asleep so we can help him with his wunds.
The three medics who came in to help Medic #1 are holding down Dave Studd, and Medic #1 puts the mask on Dave Studd.
Dave Studd drifts off into Sleep Mod
Medic #3: Okay now what I believe we should do is put in a Gauze, and wrap the Gauzy around his head.
The Three Medics start to wrap the Gauzy around Dave Studd's head.
(2hours Later)
Dave Studd wakes up, and the Three Medic's are lying on the ground out cold.
Dave Studd: (Whispering to himself) What in the Hell happened here.
The Crimson Moon, The Burslem Bomber, The Warrior of Muay Thai and "The Elite Assassin" Jordan Little, are standing behind Dave Studd
TCM: Turn your ass around Dave.
Dave Studd turns around
Dave Studd: (Stuttering) What do you want with me?
TCM: What do I want with you, nothing anymore. You already chose who's side you are on, so I have decided that you are not going to be... How do I put this. You are not going to be an affordable opponent for the next week. Because before I...Or I should say, before we took out the medics, they told me that you will not be able to be in action for the next week. Including the D.A.M show/CBS. So then you are out, So have a good time.
The Crimson Moon, The Bruslem Bomber, "The Elite Assassin" Jordan Little and The Warrior of Muay Thai leave the scene where the medics are out cold.
The Crimson Moon, turns around
TCM: Oh and Dave Studd, this is a waring out to the whole FRATERNITY idiots. This will happen to the rest of them if they don't take action ASAP.
The Crimson Moon continues to walk with his group.